Monday Minute: The Gathering Place

Monday Minute: The Gathering Place

One of the things I love doing is connecting people to resources that serve them where they are at. And that is what Monday Minutes are all about, here on The Mismatched Wife.

This week’s Monday Minute features a growing online community that has nested itself in a space on the internet to bring a little calm & peace in an often chaotic world. It is called The Gathering Place.

The Gathering Place is hosted by Kristen Joy of The Ministry Wife Coach. Through individual and group coaching services, Kristen seeks to bring hope and renewed life to Christian women who are weary and worn; discouraged from the weight of living under the constant demands of ministry life.

The Gathering Place is for women leading a ministry, serving in the Body of Christ, or serving on the front lines as a pastor’s wife. In The Gathering Place, you will find a safe place where you can give space to attend to your own needs and find clarity, strength, and joy to continue doing what you do best—serving and leading others.

During the month of December, The Gathering Place is kicking off its Winter Session which includes:

-A Sister Circle*: Advent Scripture Journaling**

-A Wellness Experience

-A guest speaker: Heather Hollleman, sharing about Identity in Christ


-The beginning of two monthly coaching pods for pastor’s wives and ministry leaders

Additionally, if you join now through December 5th, membership is discounted for Cyberweek Specials.

If you are seeking a safe place with genuine community that is Christ focused, head on over to The Gathering Place. I look forward to meeting you there.

*A Sister Circle is a group of women in The Gathering Place going through a Bible study, holding each other accountable, or otherwise doing life together in a member led online group.

**To receive five scriptures to write during this Advent season, subscribe to my email list. For the full Advent Scripture Journaling plan, join us in The Gathering Place.